The MS-DOS Encyclopedia: Appendix G: File Control Block (FCB) Structure

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The MS-DOS Encyclopedia

Appendix G: File Control Block (FCB) Structure

  Figures G-1 and G-2 (memory block diagrams) and Tables G-1 and G-2
  describe the structure of normal and extended file control blocks

     00H  ┌──────────────────────────┐
          │     Drive identifier     │
     01H  ├──────────────────────────┤
          │                          │
          │                          │
          │                          │
          │                          │
          │                          │
          │         Filename         │
          │                          │
          │                          │
          │                          │
          │                          │
          │                          │
          │                          │
          │                          │
     09H  ├──────────────────────────┤
          │                          │
          │      File extension      │
          │                          │
     0CH  ├──────────────────────────┤
          │                          │
          │   Current block number   │
          │                          │
     0EH  ├──────────────────────────┤
          │                          │
          │   Record size (bytes)    │
     10H  ├──────────────────────────┤
          │                          │
          │                          │
          │    File size (bytes)     │
          │                          │
          │                          │
     14H  ├──────────────────────────┤
          │                          │
          │        Date stamp        │
          │                          │
     16H  ├──────────────────────────┤
          │                          │
          │        Time stamp        │
          │                          │
     18H  ├──────────────────────────┤
          │                          │
          │                          │
          │                          │
          │         Reserved         │
          │                          │
          │                          │
     20H  ├──────────────────────────┤
          │  Current record number   │
     21H  ├──────────────────────────┤
          │                          │
          │                          │
          │   Random record number   │
          │                          │
          │                          │

  Figure G-1. Structure of a normal file control block.

  Table G-1. Elements of a Normal File Control Block.

╓┌──────────────────────┌──────────┌─────────────────────────────────────────╖ Maintained Element by Comments ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Drive identifier Program Designates the drive on which the file to be opened or created resides (0 = default drive, 1 = drive A, 2 = drive B, and so on). If the application supplies a zero in this byte, MS-DOS alters the byte during the open or create operation to reflect the actual drive used.

  Filename          Program    Standard eight-character filename;
                               must be left justified and must be
                               padded with blanks if fewer than
                               eight characters. A device name (for
                               example, PRN) can be used; there is
                               no colon after a device name.

  File extension    Program    Three-character file extension; must
                               be left justified and must be padded
                               with blanks if fewer than three

  Current block    Program     Zero when the file is opened; the
  number                       current block number and the current
                               record number combined make up the
                               record pointer during sequential
                               file access.

  Record size       Program    Set to 128 when the file is opened or
                               created; the program can modify the
                               field afterward to any desired
                               record size.

  File size         MS-DOS     The size of the file in bytes; the
                               first 2 bytes of this 4-byte field
                               are the least significant bytes of
                               the file size.

  Date stamp        MS-DOS     The date of the last write operation
                               on the file; follows the same format
                               used by Interrupt 21H file handle
                               Function 57H (Get/Set Time and Date):

                                     Bits      Contents
                                     9-15      Year (relative to 1980)
                                     5-8       Month (1-12)
                                     0-4       Day of month (1-31)

  Time stamp        MS-DOS     The time of the last write operation
                               on the file; follows the same format
                               used by Interrupt 21H file handle
                               Function 57H (Get/Set Time and Date):

                                     Bits      Contents
                                     11-15     Hours (0-23)
                                     5-10      Minutes (0-59)
                                     0-4       Number of 2-second
                                               increments (0-29)

  Current record    Program    Limited to the range 0 through 127; there
  number                       are 128 records per block. The beginning
                               of a file is record 0 of block 0.
                               Together with the current block number,
                               this field constitutes the record pointer
                               used during sequential read and write
                               operations. MS-DOS does not automatically
                               initialize this field when a file is

  Random record     Program    Identifies the record to be transferred
  pointer                      by the Interrupt 21H random record
                               functions 21H, 22H, 27H, and 28H; if the
                               record size is 64 bytes or larger, only
                               the first 3 bytes of this field are used.
                               MS-DOS updates this field after random
                               block reads and writes (Functions 27H and
                               28H) but not after random record reads
                               and writes (Functions 21H and 22H).

  Table G-2. Additional Elements of an Extended File Control Block.

╓┌──────────────────────┌──────────┌─────────────────────────────────────────╖ Maintained Element by Comments ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────── Extended FCB flag Program 0FFH tells MS-DOS this is an extended (44-byte) FCB.

  File attribute    Program    Must be initialized by the application
  byte                         when an extended FCB is used to open or
                               create a file. The bits of this field
                               have the following significance:

                                     Bit       Meaning
                                     0         Read-only
                                     1         Hidden
                                     2         System
                                     3         Volume label
                                     4         Directory
                                     5         Archive
                                     6         Reserved
                                     7         Reserved

     00H  ┌──────────────────────────┐
          │ Extended FCB flag (0FFH) │
     01H  ├──────────────────────────┤
          │                          │
          │                          │
          │                          │
          │                          │
          │                          │
          │         Reserved         │
          │                          │
          │                          │
          │                          │
     06H  ├──────────────────────────┤
          │   File attribute byte    │
     07H  ├──────────────────────────┤
          │     Drive identifier     │
     08H  ├──────────────────────────┤
          │                          │
          │         Filename         │
          │                          │
     10H  ├──────────────────────────┤
          │                          │
          │      File extension      │
          │                          │
     13H  ├──────────────────────────┤
          │                          │
          │   Current block number   │
     15H  ├──────────────────────────┤
          │                          │
          │    Record size (bytes)   │
     17H  ├──────────────────────────┤
          │                          │
          │    File size (bytes)     │
          │                          │
     1BH  ├──────────────────────────┤
          │                          │
          │        Date stamp        │
     1DH  ├──────────────────────────┤
          │                          │
          │        Time stamp        │
     1FH  ├──────────────────────────┤
          │                          │
          │                          │
          │                          │
          │                          │
          │         Reserved         │
          │                          │
          │                          │
     27H  ├──────────────────────────┤
          │  Current record number   │
     28H  ├──────────────────────────┤
          │                          │
          │                          │
          │   Random record number   │
          │                          │
          │                          │

  Figure G-2. Structure of an extended file control block.

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