The MS-DOS Encyclopedia: Appendix L: Intel Hexadecimal Object File Format

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The MS-DOS Encyclopedia

Appendix L: Intel Hexadecimal Object File Format

     The MCS-86 hexadecimal object file format provides a means of
     recording a program's binary (compiled or assembled) image in a text-
     only (printable) file format. This format makes it easy to transfer
     the program between computers over telephone lines without using
     special communications software. More important, it provides a ready
     means of transferring programs between computers and the various types
     of laboratory equipment typically used during the development of
     specialized programs.

     The MCS-86 hexadecimal file format is a superset of Intel's older
     Intellec-8 hexadecimal object file format. Intel originally designed
     the Intellec-8 format for use with its 8-bit microprocessor line. The
     format rapidly gained acceptance among other microprocessor
     manufacturers. When Intel subsequently developed the MCS-86
     microprocessor family, it also expanded the Intellec-8 hexadecimal
     file format into the MCS-86 hexadecimal file format to support the new
     microprocessors' extended addressing capabilities.

     The MCS-86 hexadecimal object file format should not be confused with
     the object (.OBJ) files produced by the Microsoft Macro Assembler
     (MASM) and language compilers. The MCS-86 hexadecimal object file
     format is referred to as an absolute object file format because the
     code contained within the file has been completely linked and all
     address references have already been resolved. The object modules
     produced by the assembler and compilers (.OBJ files) are referred to
     as relocatable object modules because they contain the information
     necessary to relocate the enclosed code to any memory address for

     The MCS-86 hexadecimal object file format consists of four types of
     ASCII text records:

     ■  Data record

     ■  End-of-file record

     ■  Extended-address record

     ■  Start-address record

     All records begin with a record mark consisting of a single ASCII
     colon character (:). The remainder of the record consists of a
     variable number of ASCII hexadecimal digit pairs (00-0FH), each
     representing an unsigned byte value (0-255 decimal). The first digit
     represents the value of the high nibble (bits 7-4) of the byte; the
     second digit represents the value of the low nibble (bits 3-0). These
     digit pairs begin immediately after the record mark and continue
     through the end of the record without any separation between them.

     All records have the following fields, in the order listed:

     ■  A fixed-length record length field

     ■  A fixed-length address field (optional)

     ■  A fixed-length record type field

     ■  A fixed-length or variable-length data field

     ■  A fixed-length checksum field

     The fixed-length record length field consists of the first digit pair
     following the record mark and gives the length of the record-type-
     dependent variable-length data field.

     The optional fixed-length address field consists of the second and
     third digit pairs following the record mark. The first digit pair of
     this field (second digit pair of the record) gives the high byte of a
     word address value (bits 15-8); the second digit pair (third digit
     pair of the record) gives the low byte of a word address value (bits
     7-0). If the record type does not use the address field, then the
     field contains a fill-in value consisting of the four-character ASCII
     string 0000.

     The fixed-length record type field consists of the fourth digit pair
     of the record and indicates the type of data the record contains. The
     valid record-type values are

     Value     Type
     00H       Data record
     01H       End-of-file record
     02H       Extended-address record
     03H       Start-address record

     All records end with a fixed-length checksum field. This field
     contains the negative of the sum of all byte values represented by the
     digit pairs in the record, from the record length field through the
     last digit pair before the checksum field. The checksum field is used
     to determine whether an error occurred during the transmission of a
     record between computers or other pieces of equipment.

     (The receiving equipment can easily perform this error checking as
     each record is received. It only has to add all digit pairs of the
     record, including the checksum, and ignore any overflow beyond 8 bits.
     The total should be 00H, because the checksum is the negative of the
     summation of all preceding digit pairs.)

     The variable-length data field of the data record contains the actual
     data bytes of the program's image. In data records, the record length
     field indicates the number of bytes, each represented as a digit pair,
     contained within the data field; the address field gives the offset
     within the current memory segment at which to load the record's data
     into memory.

     The fixed-length data field of the extended-address record establishes
     the memory segment into which subsequent data records are to be
     loaded. In extended-address records, the data field consists of a
     single field identical to the address field. The address field of an
     extended-address record always contains the ASCII 0000 filler, and the
     record length field always contains ASCII 02, which reflects the fixed
     length of the data field. The memory segment (also known as the memory
     frame) established by an extended-address record remains in effect
     until the next extended-address record is encountered; thus, all data
     records following the most recent extended-address record are loaded
     in the established memory segment. See PROGRAMMING IN MS-DOS:
     PROGRAMMING TOOLS: The Microsoft Object Linker.

     Figures L-1 and L-2 show how the extended-address record and the data
     record combine to load the byte values 0FDH, 0B9H, 75H, 31H, 0ECH,
     0A8H, 64H, and 20H into memory starting at address 9A6EH:429FH.

        │:│0 2│0 0 0 0│0 2│9 A 6 E│F 4│
         │  │     │     │     │     └──checksum
         │  │     │     │     └────────data = segment address
         │  │     │     └──────────────record type = expanded-address record
         │  │     └────────────────────address (filler)
         │  └──────────────────────────record length
         └─────────────────────────────record mark

     Figure L-1. The extended-address record.

     │:│0 8│4 2 9 F│0 0│F D B 9 7 5 3 1 E C A 8 6 4 2 0│A 3│
      │  │     │     │ ┌───────────────┘                 │
      │  │     │     │ │  checksum───────────────────────┘
      │  │     │     │ └─ data
      │  │     │     └────record type = data record
      │  │     └──────────address
      │  └────────────────record length
      └───────────────────record mark

     Figure L-2. The data record.

     The start-address record provides the CS and IP register values at
     which program execution begins. This record contains the register
     values within the fixed-length data field. The address field of a
     start-address record always contains the ASCII 0000 filler, and the
     record length field always contains ASCII 04, which reflects the fixed
     length of the data field. The example in Figure L-3 shows a CS:IP
     setting (program entry point) of F924H:E69AH.

     The end-of-file record marks the end of an MCS-86 hexadecimal file.
     Under the MCS-86 hexadecimal file definition, the end-of-file record
     does not contain any variable-value fields; the record always appears
     as shown in Figure L-4.

     │:│0 4│0 0 0 0│0 4│F 9 2 4 E 6 9 A│5 B│
      │  │     │     │     │       │     │
      │  │     │     │     │       │     └──checksum
      │  │     │     │     │       │        data:
      │  │     │     │     │       └────────IP
      │  │     │     │     └────────────────CS
      │  │     │     └───────────────────record type = start-address record
      │  │     └────────────────────────────address (filler)
      │  └──────────────────────────────────record length
      └─────────────────────────────────────record mark

     Figure L-3. The start-address record.

     │:│0 0│0 0 0 0│0 1│F F│
      │  │     │     │   │
      │  │     │     │   │
      │  │     │     │   │
      │  │     │     │   └──checksum
      │  │     │     └──────record type = end-of-file record
      │  │     └────────────address (filler)
      │  └──────────────────record length
      └─────────────────────record mark

     Figure L-4. The end-of-file record.

     Traditionally, development equipment and programs that accept the MCS-
     86 hexadecimal file format as input also recognize an alternate end-
     of-file record. The alternate record consists of a data record that
     contains no data; therefore, its record length field contains 00.
     Figure L-5 shows this alternate end-of-file record.

     DEBUG is the only program supplied with MS-DOS that accepts the MCS-86
     hexadecimal file format. Even then, DEBUG only loads hexadecimal files
     into memory; it does not save a program back to disk as a hexadecimal
     file. (The same applies for SYMDEB and for CodeView.)

     │:│0 0│0 0 0 0│0 0│0 0│
      │  │     │     │   │
      │  │     │     │   └──checksum
      │  │     │     └──────record type = data record
      │  │     └────────────address (filler)
      │  └──────────────────record length
      └─────────────────────record mark

     Figure L-5. The alternate end-of-file record.

     While loading a hexadecimal file, DEBUG actually processes only data
     records and end-of-file records; it ignores both start-address records
     and any extended-address records. Thus, DEBUG actually supports only
     the older Intellec-8 hexadecimal file format but will not reject the
     file if it also contains the newer MCS-86 hexadecimal file records.

     DEBUG does not support MCS-86 records because it must operate within
     the MS-DOS environment and MS-DOS does not support the loading of
     programs into absolute memory locations--a restriction imposed by most
     general-purpose operating systems. Because DEBUG cannot load the data
     records into the absolute segments indicated by the extended-address
     records, it simply loads the program image contained within the data
     records in a manner similar to that in which a .COM program is loaded.
     Structure of an Application Program. DEBUG uses the address field for
     the data records as the offset into the .COM program segment at which
     to load the contents of the records.

     The sample QuickBASIC (versions 3.0 and later) program shown in Figure
     L-6 converts binary files, including .COM files, into limited MCS-86
     hexadecimal files that DEBUG can load. Examining this program can
     provide additional understanding of the structure of Intel hexadecimal

     Figure L-6. QuickBASIC binary-to-hexadecimal file conversion utility.

                                                   Keith Burgoyne

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