The MS-DOS Encyclopedia: Preface

Archive of outdated Microsoft articles and reference materials

The MS-DOS Encyclopedia


In the space of six years, MS-DOS has become the most widely used
computer operating system in the world, running on more than 10
million machines. It has grown, matured, and stabilized into a
flexible, easily extendable system that can support networking,
graphical user interfaces, nearly any peripheral device, and even CD
ROMs containing massive amounts of on-line information. MS-DOS will be
with us for many years to come as the platform for applications that
run on low-cost, 8086/8088-based machines.

Not surprisingly, the success of MS-DOS has drawn many writers
and publishers into its orbit. The number of books on MS-DOS and its
commands, languages, and applications dwarfs the list of titles for
any other operating system. Why, then, yet another book on MS-DOS? And
what can we say about the operating system that has not been said

First, we have written and edited The MS-DOS Encyclopedia with one
audience in mind: the community of working programmers. We have
therefore been free to bypass elementary subjects such as the number
of bits in a byte and the interpretation of hexadecimal numbers.
Instead, we have emphasized detailed technical explanations, working
code examples that can be adapted and incorporated into new
applications, and a systems view of even the most common MS-DOS
commands and utilities.

Second, because we were not subject to size restrictions, we have
explored topics in depth that other MS-DOS books mention only briefly,
such as exception and error handling, interrupt-driven communications,
debugging strategies, memory management, and installable device
drivers. We have commissioned definitive articles on the relocatable
object modules generated by Microsoft language translators, the
operation of the Microsoft Object Linker, and terminate-and-stay-
resident utilities. We have even interviewed the key developers of
MS-DOS and drawn on their files and bulletin boards to offer an
entertaining, illustrated account of the origins of Microsoft's
standard-setting operating system.

Finally, by combining the viewpoints and experience of non-
Microsoft programmers and writers, the expertise and resources of
Microsoft software developers, and the publishing know-how of
Microsoft Press, we have assembled a unique and comprehensive
reference to MS-DOS services, commands, directives, and utilities. In
many instances, the manuscripts have been reviewed by the authors of
the Microsoft tools described.

We have made every effort during the creation of this book to
ensure that its contents are timely and trustworthy. In a work of this
size, however, it is inevitable that errors and omissions will occur.
If you discover any such errors, please bring them to our attention so
that they can be repaired in future printings and thus aid your fellow
programmers. To this end, Microsoft Press has established a bulletin
board on MCI Mail for posting corrections and comments. Please refer
to page xvi for more information.

                                             Ray Duncan


  In the space of six years, MS-DOS has become the most widely used
  computer operating system in the world, running on more than 10
  million machines. It has grown, matured, and stabilized into a
  flexible, easily extendable system that can support networking,
  graphical user interfaces, nearly any peripheral device, and even CD
  ROMs containing massive amounts of on-line information. MS-DOS will be
  with us for many years to come as the platform for applications that
  run on low-cost, 8086/8088-based machines.

  Not surprisingly, the success of MS-DOS has drawn many writers
  and publishers into its orbit. The number of books on MS-DOS and its
  commands, languages, and applications dwarfs the list of titles for
  any other operating system. Why, then, yet another book on MS-DOS? And
  what can we say about the operating system that has not been said

  First, we have written and edited The MS-DOS Encyclopedia with one
  audience in mind: the community of working programmers. We have
  therefore been free to bypass elementary subjects such as the number
  of bits in a byte and the interpretation of hexadecimal numbers.
  Instead, we have emphasized detailed technical explanations, working
  code examples that can be adapted and incorporated into new
  applications, and a systems view of even the most common MS-DOS
  commands and utilities.

  Second, because we were not subject to size restrictions, we have
  explored topics in depth that other MS-DOS books mention only briefly,
  such as exception and error handling, interrupt-driven communications,
  debugging strategies, memory management, and installable device
  drivers. We have commissioned definitive articles on the relocatable
  object modules generated by Microsoft language translators, the
  operation of the Microsoft Object Linker, and terminate-and-stay-
  resident utilities. We have even interviewed the key developers of
  MS-DOS and drawn on their files and bulletin boards to offer an
  entertaining, illustrated account of the origins of Microsoft's
  standard-setting operating system.

  Finally, by combining the viewpoints and experience of non-
  Microsoft programmers and writers, the expertise and resources of
  Microsoft software developers, and the publishing know-how of
  Microsoft Press, we have assembled a unique and comprehensive
  reference to MS-DOS services, commands, directives, and utilities. In
  many instances, the manuscripts have been reviewed by the authors of
  the Microsoft tools described.

  We have made every effort during the creation of this book to
  ensure that its contents are timely and trustworthy. In a work of this
  size, however, it is inevitable that errors and omissions will occur.
  If you discover any such errors, please bring them to our attention so
  that they can be repaired in future printings and thus aid your fellow
  programmers. To this end, Microsoft Press has established a bulletin
  board on MCI Mail for posting corrections and comments. Please refer
  to page xvi for more information.

                                                  Ray Duncan


        Updates to the MS-DOS Encyclopedia

Periodically, the staff of The MS-DOS Encyclopedia will publish
updates containing clarifications or corrections to the information
presented in this current edition. To obtain information about
receiving these updates, please check the appropriate box on the
business reply card in the back of this book, or send your name and
address to: MS-DOS Encyclopedia Update Information, c/o Microsoft
Press, 16011 NE 36th Way, Box 97017, Redmond, WA 98073-9717.

            Bulletin Board Service

Microsoft Press is sponsoring a bulletin board on MCI Mail for posting
and receiving corrections and comments for The MS-DOS Encyclopedia. To
use this service, log on to MCI Mail and, after receiving the prompt,

VIEW  <Enter>

The Bulletin Board name: prompt will be displayed. Then type

MSPRESS  <Enter>

to connect to the Microsoft Press bulletin board. A list of the
individual Microsoft Press bulletin boards will be displayed; simply
choose MSPress DOSENCY to enter the encyclopedia's bulletin board.

            Special Companion Disk Offer

Microsoft Press has created a set of valuable, time-saving companion
disks to The MS-DOS Encyclopedia. They contain the routines and
functional programs that are listed throughout this book--thousands of
lines of executable code. Conveniently organized, these disks will
save you hours of typing time and allow you to start using the code
immediately. The companion disks are only available directly from
Microsoft Press. To order, use the special bind-in card in the back of
the book or write to: Microsoft Press, THE MS-DOS ENCYCLOPEDIA
COMPANION DISK OFFER, 16011 NE 36th Way, Box 97017, Redmond, WA 98073-
9717. Send $49.95 for each set of disks, plus $2.50 per set for
domestic postage and handling, $5.00 per set for foreign orders.
Payment must be in US funds. You may pay by check or money order
(payable to Microsoft Press), or by American Express, VISA, or
MasterCard; please include your credit card number and expiration
date. Allow 4 weeks for delivery. Please specify 5.25" disks or 3.5"

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